New Beginnings - An Open Letter to Our Community [nexon]

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New Beginnings - An Open Letter to Our Community [nexon]

Post by Pepsi » Sat Apr 18, 2009 7:30 am

Hey Everyone,

As we come upon our 4th anniversary of exploring the Maple World, we'd like to say a few words about our journey together thus far.

First, Thank You.

We do not say this as often as we should. Our game would not and cannot exist without you. From Ossyria to Ariant, from Masteria to Leafre, you have met friends and gone on countless adventures with us, to discover our world. We witnessed you complete your first quest in Maple Island and seen you grow to defeat bosses from Mushmom and Crimson Balrogs to the likes of Zakum and Horntail. There is no game without players, and we are happy you chose us. We can proudly say that our players are the heart and soul of MapleStory.

However, we haven't been the best in communicating with you and making sure you are satisfied in-game, as well as out of game, and we apologize. Even though many of you have felt we've let you down, you have been loyal to us.

Now, it's our turn. We've started to make significant changes to improve the MapleStory experience for everyone.

Let's start with the scourge of our game, hacking. Hackers are making a mess of our game. We are going to use every technical and legal means to fight against those who use them and sell them. It's us against them, and with your help, we will turn the tide. We've hired additional staff to patrol the servers around the clock, and encourage you to stay tuned for details on our Volunteer Deputy program planned for launch in the next few months. Those of you who expressed a desire to help will get your chance. One of our strongest weapons against this corruption is the ability of you, the community, to stand up and speak out.

We also ask you to help us in the fight against private servers. We know that many of you have been curious to try them, but we implore you to boycott them. Private servers infringe upon our intellectual property and greatly diminish our ability to generate funds necessary to keep MapleStory a free service for everyone. Often, they compromise your account security. If you know of a private server, we ask you to 1) boycott it and 2) report it to our customer service. We will do our utmost over the coming months to deliver to you the best service possible which includes even better updates and events.

As for Customer Service, we know that it has not been perfect. We have hired additional staff here as well, and you will see a change for the better. We are doing our best to answer the daily influx of tickets, and ask that you understand that there are thousands of tickets and millions of players. We will do our best to address your issues, and will continue our improvement within the coming months.

Many of you expressed satisfaction with the last few game updates, yet were frustrated about some bugs. In the future, for certain updates, we will bring up Tespia and let some of you girls and guys loose. Those who have a knack for finding and reporting valid bugs will be invited back to help us improve the game. Content-wise, we have the biggest updates coming through the rest of the year. We're talking HUGE. Every level from 1-200 will have new experiences to share, and new challenges to conquer. If you thought the last update was big, wait till you see what's coming.

We know that some of you will doubt our sincerity. Truthfully, we understand, but we will work to show you that our actions speak louder than words. We want to make our game the best in the world, and can only do so with your help. Once again, thank you for choosing your game, MapleStory.


NxDanimal(CEO), Stoveboy, NxOinkers, NxProse, NxEm0V1a, NxRockstar, NxPepe, NxJoeW, Hime, NxDefender (legal), and the rest of the Nexon family.

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