How you killed jr rog?
I kill it by spamming magic claw and just use hp pot when like 100 hp?WAT ABOUT YOU?
Re: How you killed jr rog?
I killed it by spamming the Magic Bolt thingy lol. Hitted about 900-1000 every hit x) Then i just spammed pots when needed o_O WHAT ABOUT YOU?!
Re: How you killed jr rog?
Spammed Everything While Saying "Say Goodbye To Your Babies" xD Yes I Did Say That
Re: How you killed jr rog?
i kinda cheated by using elemental arrows+alt to keep my cara attacking and then using pots 

Re: How you killed jr rog?
i used snail skill thingy and spammed all skills (ecept magic claw) and spammed that and used pots. WHAT ABOUT YOU?