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This is NOT a Fanfic: 3 Noobs Pt.1

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 9:06 am
by skygar9
"Noone is here," sighed Mapl3L337, or Maple for short. He walked around the corner to find a plethora of snails.
"I wish I went to Scania instead."
Using his sword, Maple slayed the snails and received Mesos and some shells. Maple's inventory was getting full, so he decided to go to Amherst to sell some stuff. He went up the hill, passed the sign that said 'Amherst' and walked into the potion shop.
"Noone is here," Maple said, handing the spoils to the shopkeeper.
"If noone was on this island," The shopkeeper told Maple. "I woldn't be here! Nor would the other shopkeepers!"
"Somone MY age..." Maple replied. "You mean us shopkeepers are too old for you?" Asked the Shopkeeper.
"No, it's just that I want friends I can actually EXPLORE with..."
"I see," Replied the shopkeeper. "Now, would you like to purchase anything?"
Maple left the shop with an inventory full of Eggs, ham, oranges and apples, mana potions and health potions.
Maple passed by Yoona, the older sister of Sam.
"Hey Maple," shouted Yoona. "You don't have anyone to share those potions with, right?"
"Isn't that obvious?" muttered Maple.
"I'd go adventuring with you, but I have to watch Sam twenty-four seven." Said Yoona, trying to cheer Maple up.
With that, Maple went exploring. Alone...
Now Maple was in the middle of the forest, surrounded by Slimes and Stumps and Pigs. Maple sat and watched all the monsters stirring about.
"There are so many monsters!" Maple told himself. "If there were more people, there wouldn't be so many monsters."
Maple had no map, which he was supposed to receive from Chief Stan after defeating 5 Stumps, 2 slimes and 1 pig.
How is he supposed to get back if he dosen't have a clue where to go?
Maple was lost.
Maple, dissapointed, sat down on the grass. He looked at the yellow leafs. It was the end of summer, and now Maple is setting off on his own now to look for a job... But he won't have any friends...
Maple stood up, and turned around to continue venturing, in hopes of making it to Southperry where he'd ask for a map.
As Maple turned around, he saw a shop. In the glass windows he saw clothes, wind-up teddy bears and plush dolls.
"I'll ask the shopkeeper for directions," Maple thought. Maple walked into the store to see it was abandoned.
A shop in the middle of the forest was sureley to have no shopkeeper.
"Hello?" Maple said in the empty store.
"Who's there?" Came a voice.
"Hello, my name is Mapl3L33t. Maple, for short. I'm looking for directions to get to Amherst."
"I'm looking for directions too!" Said a girl, who came out from behind some clothes.
"Wow, finally I find SOMEONE on this island!" Maple said in releif.
"Me neither! I thought this island had like, a population of like, 10!" Said the girl.
"My name is Nikki333, but you can call me Nikki. Nice to meet you."
Maple and Nikki walked out of the abandoned store and talked to eachother.
"I got lost in this forest while hunting monsters." Maple explained to Nikki.
"I saw this shop and wanted to buy clothes, but noone was here, and I forgot how to get out of the forest." Nikki told Maple.
"I want to get out of this forest... I want to go exploring!" Maple said.
"It's lonley out here. I hope we can get out soon." Nikki sighed.
Maple noticed that they had been standing for quite a while.
"Standing is tiring, and the grass feels hard and scratchy," complained Nikki.
"Yeah, my legs hurt." Maple complained, too.

Then a figure, in front of it a stack of chairs, walked closer and closer to Maple and Nikki.
"Hello!" Maple and Nikki shouted.
"We're lost! Do you have a map?" Maple asked.
"Hmmhmmhmm" said the figure
As the figure got closer, Maple and Nikki realized it was a boy their age.
The boy was carrying 3 chairs. He dropped them and spoke.
"I said, I in fact DO have a map!"
"That's great," Nikki said. "We got lost in the forest, and we need to get out so we can get our jobs!"
"Ah, I've come here to the forest to look for my job as well. I bought these three chairs, but don't know what to do with them." Said the boy.
"My name is DexlessSinz999. Just call me Dex. My job will be a Assasain." The boy known now as 'Dex' said.
"We've been standing her for quite a while, and we'd like to sit on somthing comfortable..." Said Maple.
"Ok, I'll take the Blue one. You can have the Green one."
"I'll take the Pink one!" Nikki said.

The trio sat in their chairs and discussed their future.

"I don't know what my job will be..." Maple said.
"Me neither," Nikki said.
"Well, you can become a Warrior, the strong and powerful swordsman."
"That sounds nice! I'd like to become a Warrior!" Maple said.
"Or you could become a Magician, with the elemental powers of mana."
"That sounds cool! I wanna be a magician!" Nikki said.

"Great, it's decided." Dex said.
"One thing though," Maple said. "How do we get a job?"
Dex hesitated and thought. "I'm not really sure. We'll have to see on Victoria Island."
"Victoria Island???" Maple and Nikki said at the same time.
"Not only do I have a map of this island, but I have a map of Victoria Island, too." Dex said.
"What's victoria island?" Nikki asked.
"Victoria Island is a large island than this one, it has very many people. It's so popular because many people go there to get a job." Dex explained.
"Alot of people?" Maple and Nikki said excitedly.
"That sounds great!"
"Ah, but there are also feirce monsters there, too." Dex explained. "There are powerful monsters that are not even seen on Maple Island because of their massive strength."
"... Sounds... Scary..." Maple said quietly.
"But don't worry! I had a friend who said that the strong monsters are only in the dungeons, which happen to be in the deepest places in Victoria Island. He said that weak monsters tend to stay near towns. Weak monsters don't go to the dungeons."
"Oh, so we'll be safe near towns." Maple sighed in releif.
"You sure know alot!" Said Nikki.
Dex smiled. "I read alot. Take a look- I have a book called the Monster Book. It tells me about every single monster in the Maple World. I get my knowledge from this book."
"That's really cool," breathed Maple.
"This is a legendary monster that is rumored to be seen only by the most greatest adventurers in Victoria Island," Dex said, pointing to a picture of Balrog.
"That's scary looking," Nikki said.

A long time had past, and it was the afternoon.
"It will be getting dark soon," Maple said.
"Okay! Follow me! I'll take to to Amherst!"
So the 3 set off into the forest and using the map, found Amherst.
"Here you go, Chief Stan!" Said Maple, handing the spoils from the monsters.
"Excellent! Here is 150 Mesos. Use this for the ship fee at Southperry. There you will go to Victoria Island to get your job.
"I'm so excited!" Nikki said.
"Let's go to Southperry!" Said Maple.
"Time to become stronger!" Said Dex.

The three went into the same forest, but didn't get lost thanks to Dex's map.
They made it to SouthPerry.

"Hey kids," Biggs shouted from afar.
"You three goin' to Victoria Island?" asked Biggs.
"In fact, yes!" Maple said.
"You should buy clothes and potions before you go, it'll be quite the journey!"
So with that, the three bought potions like Lemons, Green Apples and clothes like Denim Shorts and Striped T-Shirts.

The three met with Shanks.
"150 Mesos please!"
Shanks held out his hand.
The three gave their mesos to Shanks, and aboarded the ship.
"Have a nice trip!" Shanks said, waving goodbye to the three.
"Bye!!" Shouted all three. And the ship set off into the sunset.

"So... Dex... Nikki... Would you two like to... Travel with me? Around the Maple World?"
"Of course I will!" Nikki said.
"Who wants to be alone? I'll come too!" Dex said.
The three chatted about what they would encounter and what they woud like to do and read all about Victoria Island in the Monster Book.
Then the Sun was down completley, and it was night time. The full moon was shining, and the three adventurers now headed into the ship's cellar. It was cozy and warm in there. The adventurers ate and drank some potions, then used their chairs as subsitutes for beds.
"I hope we get a house with a big bed!" Nikki said.
Maple yawned. "I want to live in Henseys, where there's alot of people."
"I want to meet a fairy in Ellinia..." Dex said.
The three were too tired to talk anymore. It was a long day and they fell asleep almost instantly.

Re: This is NOT a Fanfic: 3 Noobs Pt.1

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 10:07 am
by EternalSorrow

Re: This is NOT a Fanfic: 3 Noobs Pt.1

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 1:48 am
by skygar9

I beleive I have already told you, but guess you forgot to read it.