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[INTRO] Love or no love

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 11:59 pm
by Cloggy
Love or no love Intro

Deep in Aquarium, seeking the dark treasure of thousand lives... Encountered Pianus, King of the Sea.. When shall the war stop?
Of course, it'll never stop.. The treasure of thousand lives is the key to destruction. Adventurers, Alchemists, Treasure hunters and Archeologists( Known as the AATA) are all greedy over the treasure. The citizens can't stop this chaos. Even the Four instructors can't. But a hero, an unknown person. Silent typed, he wowed the crowd of Aquarium. Slash there, slash this, The group of AATA were taken in prison! The folks of all towns were so happy, they celebrated the victory at Henesys. Boy, are they going drunk!

A hundred years later...

After the death of the AATA and our Hero, peace has made itself comfty.
"Not for long" whispered a deep voice..
"Are you sure Captain? What if there is actually a decendant, of the great Hero?" says a lowly voice
"Are you criticizing my work?!"
"No no, plea---GAHHHH"

"Captain" says a girl voice, "Our mission is ready, we are ready to concur all 10 treasure of thousand lives"
"Finally.." chuckled the Captain..

To be continued..

Characting listing coming soon..

Re: [INTRO] Love or no love

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 4:32 pm
by Jacqueshatr1
its nice ^.^ i just have a question about the title....

Re: [INTRO] Love or no love

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 8:01 pm
by Cloggy
Oh you'll see after.. :]

I might change it though, because my friend thinks it sounds weird. o_o

Re: [INTRO] Love or no love

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 1:58 am
by LeoWu
ummm.... uhhh..... Well.... umm.... Good job?.... umm... Great job?... (F6)

Re: [INTRO] Love or no love

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 8:08 pm
by Zaylo
what i want to know is why the heck are things so SHORT!!!!
seriously just make it longer!
it was good but read the above