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My Fan Fiction is Back

Post by Jacqueshatr1 » Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:05 pm

Taos of Light
Hey Guys… Im back on Maple Anime (Insert Courtesy Applause Here) Thanks! (skygar9-3)
Well those of you maple animers that have been on anime for a while.. Might recognize me as the rival of the guy whos icon had about 10 weapons on it..
Yes im really that bad enough to not remember the name of the guy im putting in here. Anyways we would get yelled at for spamming the newest threads.. And trying to be the person to have the last comments on recent threads…. This was on the old site btw.. So now im back to continue the series I made a while ago.
I don’t remember the names and I haven’t gotten an email back from the heads of this site… So all of my previous work on the series is gone with the old site. A couple of months ago I posted the 5th chapter, which I cant find anymore.
So im giving a summary of what happened, who the characters are, and revealing the new title.

Jack- A assassin banned from kerning city for unlawful use of dark skills (Meets in chapter 2 or 3)
Taco- (Me :D) The focus point of the story. He is Not sure of his parentage or origin, but has the skills of both a warrior and a magician. In chapter one, he meets Hridy who reveals his past and explains to him that he is a lycanthrope and has been affected by the same thing she has (Meets in chapter 1)
Hridy- A monkey who was and still is a wise sage. She was affected by the same blast that hit taco. She helps taco on his quest that will save her.
Luke (The Guy with millions of weapons on maple anime) In the fourth chapter, he tricks Connor, the sheriff of Sleepywood, Jack, Taco, and Hridy. He is the bad guy in this story and uses the forbidden method of the dark bow master Abel. (He uses the combination of Poison, Daggers, and Bows, in which put together is very lethal and dangerous)(Meets in chapter 4)
Connor- The Oldest son of the sheriff of Sleepywood. He inherits the job from his dad after putting Luke in jail. He decides to go off with Taco’s gang, and is knighted as a Ranger and is given a deputy star to enforce the law.
James and Laura- Two people im putting in the story for helping motivate me to start up this series again. I didn’t know their names but im improvising :D. They will know who they are once I say one sold me a meba in the fm and one wanted to help me train in Singapore, and they both came up to me and recognized me :D. (They will be in the next 3-5 chapters

Chapter one Summary will be very long due to the info that needs to be explained, and its also combined with the intro :D. All other chapter summaries will be short. Thank you (skygar9-3)

Ch. 1 - Taco is found running away from magicians, with the sky jewel. He sees a bright light and snaps back into it. He doesn’t know where he is or why he has the jewel but has escaped the authority. While walking through the trees, he sees a monkey but thinks nothing of it until he realizes it looked like a pet, not a lupin. He walked over and realized the monkey was floating and started talking to him, explaining his past. Taco is about to be attacked by a zombie lupin, when he blanks out and wakes up on the floor of the forest, with a 20 foot radius of trees knocked down around him. Hridy then explains to him the part of him that starts the story. She explains that his parents took him to Ludibrium, to check out the old clock tower when he was ten. The guide of that tour was a the white sage, Hridy. However, during that trip something went wrong with Ludibrium. The clock stopped ticking, the maze elevator broke down, and Alishar was more afraid then ever and warped himself down out to the distant islands of Ereve, where he turned pure and became the bird of Ereve. During this commotion, Abel slipped into ludibrium, and went to the darkest deepest parts of Ludibrium. He began to work on his pet contraption people rumored to be Papaltuas. He created a portal from NLC connecting to Papaltuas’s lair, and he made trips back and forth, bringing down elder wraiths, big foots, headless horsemen, and millions of other monsters in the woods of NLC. He tested and tested on the different creatures. Dissected them and crossed breads of Ludibrium and NLC monsters. Soon he was devastated to see that his portal had been destroyed by Fox Whit’s portals. He got so mad he killed off hundreds of his armies of newly created sprites. He realized that the number of mobs stayed the same. His portal had created a reincarnation portal, through which everything that came through that portal that died, would come out. He started flooding the tower with death teddies, gatekeepers, and spirit Vikings. At this point his creation, the papaltuas was done and he had succeeded. Ludibrium was fixed by this time and everything was ok. Taco’s family were informed about Ludibrium hiring top notch soldiers to go in and raid papaltuas and shut it down for ever. They were supposed to set off a charge on the defeated papaltuas to get rid of it and to signal that it was dead. Taco waited in secret in the tower where his parents would come back. Hridy found him there, and decided to let him stay and watch his parents come back. There was an eruption of noise and the town cheered, but not for long. Hridy sensed something and put a barrier over Taco. Then a purple menacing smoke came by knocking out everyone inside the clock tower or standing outside of it. Everyone was rushed out, but they never found the brave soldiers who took out Papaltuas. When papaltuas was killed the lab he was in exploded killing Abel and all the soldiers. The intensity of the explosion and the fumes screwed up the portal making it intensify all those who came through it. Papaltuas and Abel reappeared and their skills were improved up 10 fold. All victims of the smoke were rushed to ellina, and their lives were written over with a different persons life. As they were getting to through the people who were infected with some unknown disease, people started acting weird and they started morphing into whatever disections Abel had. There were people who’s arms had grown metal and popped off and grew an electric blade. These people became the monsters, and started disappearing in mid air. The only two who were left, were Taco, and Hridy. Hridy was able to push out the mind wipe and stayed calm. They were put in a room untill Taco went berserker and broke through and fled into the forest. Hridy then revealed herself to Grendell who started to teach her more and sent her on a quest to find Taco.

YAY CHAPTER 1 is over :D

Ch. 2

Taco and hridy plan out their quest to kill papaltuas, abel, and take out the portal.

Ch. 3

Taco and Hridy head out to Perion to get more skilled in fighting. Along the way they get attacked by Stumpy who corners them both. They are saved by Jack who kills stumpy and accompanies them. They then get caught by authorities and are sent to the Perion dungeon and are held as prisoners.

Ch. 4

The three of them, are told by the old lady taking care of them about an escape route from Manji, and they fall into a bush and discover a rundown path to Sleepywood. They meet Luke, who constantly tries to kill Taco in secret, and is caught by Connor. he then accompanies them on their way to Ellina to go to orbis and then ludibrium.

Ch. 5

The gang find Ellina and starts training. They find an abandoned house of a sage, and they pocket some skill books.

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