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Resistance are Coming!

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 9:09 pm
by skygar9
So theres battle mage and wild hunter these new jobs.
Actually a new race.
They're called resistance.
The black wings are planning to revive the black mage, but a group of people are deciding to rebel against them.


Battle Mage

Battle mage is this overpowered mage that looks rather cool in my opinion.
Battle mage has some interesting skills though, as for you can look at the picture below for some examples of skills.
First picture, the Battle mage makes a dark cloud and lightning will strike your character turning you into a hurricane. Upon spinning, this hurts enemies if you touch them.
Second picture shows a Genesis type thing that bishops use, except for this is purple.
Third picture shows a sheild called 'Shelter'. I have no idea how this works, but it either protects you from magic attacks or monsters wont be able to get inside of it. I don't know how it works, but it looks neat.
Fourth picture shows the battle mage using a skill that looks like chains.
Fifth picture shows the battle mage shooting a long dark beam out of his staff.

Yeah, those are some skills. Cool, right?
As you can see, the second picture shows the battle mage doing 13000 damage. The videos I watched showed a level 134 battle mage doing 9000-15000 damage.

Battle mages are seemingly powerful at level 20, but I have no pictures for now.

Wild Hunter

Wild hunter is a crossbow user. It rides a jaguar. The 'OMGWTFHAX' thing about the Wild hunter is that,

They get rhe mount at first job.

I know.

1st job. They can also attack while on the mount.

I've only seen a level 29 with a jaguar, but I'm pretty sure you get the jaguar at level 10.


Bad quality, I know.

1st Picture shows a wild hunter using a skill like strafe. It shoots out 4 arrows.
2nd Picture shows explosions. The wild hunter used a skill that makes a circular machine appear, and the machine rotates shooting out arrows. When the arrows land, they explode.
The next picture is 2 pictures. They're both the same thing. It's a skill that litterally shoots out infinite arrows until your MP runs out. You can even walk while shooting. Too bad it does like 2000 damage.
4th picture shows a wild hunter on his jaguar.
5th picture shows wild hunter on his jaguar again, but the jaguar is sitting.
6th picture shows wild hunter attacking with a skill on his jaguar. Yes, you can attack while on a jaguar.
7th picture shows the jaguar again.
8th picture shows a level 29 on his jaguar. He's also using a skill like strafe. Shoots 4 arrows. Does very low damage though.
the 9th an final picture shows dismounting the jaguar. Your character hops off and your jaguar runs away.

Also, Wild Hunters can catch different colored mounts. (See edelstien monsters below to see the 6 colored mounts)
You do 5 damage at all times on this map because you don't want to kill the jaguar.

And there's called Mechanics. It's a pirate job that rides, well, a mech. or a gundam thing. It's a robot. It's a gunslinger pirate.

I can only provide so much information, because not much info is known yet. I'll keep checking southperry and spadow's blog for more updates.

Here's the mount. it is unknown if you get the mount at level 70, if its costly or free, a skill or whatever, but it looks pretty awesome.
I can only assume it can shoot missles and bullets. And it might even float/fly/jetpack or whatever.

Okay, so the job instructors. Yeah, the people who make you a resistance.
Here they are:
The man on your left is Henriette. He cleans streets and picks up trash.
The woman to your right is Belle. She is a police officer.

Huh? You probably didn't think they would be a street cleaner or police officer, but
they're boring. They're nothing compared to Checky.

Checky is EPIC.
Checky is the job instructor for Mechanics.

Checky is a bear who hands out baloons to kids at the circus. (Top)

But secretly he is a Mechanic Instructor rebelling against the Black Mage (Bottom)

Yeah, that's pretty much it. I'll keep you updated as soon as possible.

Resistances are made in a town called Edelstien.
The image above shows the blimp to get to Edelstien.

Map of edelstien

Maple World

Edelstien monsters

The server screen showing resistance

Resistance class

Resistance sign at character selection

Victoria Island Becomes THIS:

Also, the HUD changed to look like this

Also, all pictures above are from SPADOW'S BLOG. I don't take credit for the pictures.

Re: Battle Mage and Wild Hunter

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 12:55 am
by Whee
New jobs=New skills=New limiters=Skill Masteries=NX only=Nexon profits=Tyranny= hypocrisy "F2P"=outrage=complaints to Nexon=Nexon making limiters higher=humble maple economy except ones who paid for the mastery books=rage from those who paid="No refunds" policy=outrage=Forum rant=Public necessity =Stolen money/credit cards to purchase mastery books=angry households=divorces=lawsuits against Nexon for ruining families=global crisis=global warming from overheated computers=global warming=Ozone depletion=Space Travel=NASA fundings come back to life=Travel to moon=technological advances in space=advanced technology=negative impact on humans due to low gravity environments=loss of spine/backbone=humans turning into globs of fat=earth is slowly consumed by growing Sun=Humans travel to Mars=Sun engulfs mars=humans increase space travel=new ores found on different planets=Sun into supernova stage=Nexon finally surrenders against the lawsuits=universal enlightenment= Buddha appears=Humans are saved=Pluto turning into a planet again=Destruction of humanity.

This may all seem like bull, but you'll see. All of you will. YOU MUST!

Anyways, bit back on topic, Nexon's recycling skills such as that genesis looking skill, the chains are nice but not unlike Blaze Wizards or Fire/poison mage's Poison smog.
Wild hunter seems nice, if it's an auto mount at level 10, I crave for it...
Riding while using skills=win
But as mentioned above, you KNOW they're going to make us pay.
Oh, you know...
-Cough- Evan -Cough-

Re: Battle Mage and Wild Hunter

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 3:08 am
by skygar9
If you're going to post that large fictionable story, I consider it spam.
If your going to post somthing NOT on topic, don't post it at all.

Please read the rules before posting next time.

Re: Battle Mage and Wild Hunter

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 10:38 pm
by Paintingguy
For wild hunter,
is the mount the same price?

Re: Battle Mage and Wild Hunter

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 10:39 pm
by skygar9
Paintingguy wrote:For wild hunter,
is the mount the same price?

I don't know.
It's probably free.

Re: Battle Mage and Wild Hunter

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 10:46 pm
by Paintingguy
oh crap, thats cool then

Re: Battle Mage and Wild Hunter

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 12:45 pm
by EternalSorrow
Paintingguy wrote:oh crap, thats cool then

It's a skill.

Re: Battle Mage and Wild Hunter

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 3:33 am
by Paintingguy
EternalSorrow wrote:
Paintingguy wrote:oh crap, thats cool then

It's a skill.

hmm no wonder they can attack on it

Re: Battle Mage and Wild Hunter

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 8:50 pm
by ugotpiez
skygar9 wrote:
Paintingguy wrote:For wild hunter,
is the mount the same price?

I don't know.
It's probably free.

Hmm, that's good it probably is anyways considering you're lvl 10 o-o

Re: Battle Mage and Wild Hunter

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 1:29 am
by kevinshin123123
thats kicka$$ XD lol i think black mage is cooler tho