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Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 1:34 am
by darkevil360
well i am 13 years old and going to be 14 on june 14, 2009. i am going 2 b a freshman!!!!!! at Merced High School. i live in merced, california. i wuz introduced to maplestory 2 years ago by my cousin. Maplestory has gotten me into a lot of trouble. now i only play at my grandmothers house during some saturdays and sundays. how every when i do play i play non-stop. i am asian so my favorite class is ... rouges duhh... and also i like ranged jobs. for some reason i just like ranged jobs. i am trying to make a bandit in khaini.

Bera: i for got his name, lv 32 bandit, normal dex, unfunded, poor.

Windia: ZeakBrawl, lv 22 pre-brawler(pirate), well i cant hit anything becuz my base dex is like 22 so yea...., rich in a way, unfunded.

Khaini: i have 3 characters here but i 4 got the information of 2 of them.
this is my char that i want to make a bandit wid: xZeakDitx(i think), lv 17 pre-dit(rouge), normal dex, unfunded, rich in a way.

Bellocan: my sin is here but im soo poor right now i dont want to play him that much. also i am bored of spamming L7. SinditZeak(i wuz gunna make him a sindit but i never tried sin so i made a sin instead (F3) ), lv 42 Assassin, normal dex, poor, boring.