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The war of the classes. Chapter 2

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 6:45 am
by jviaple
General Andrew came into the middle of the group's conversation.
"Hey Zach I know your arm is hurt and you probably want to rest, but we need you for a quick conference."
Zach nodded to him, said bye to his friends and fallowed the General to the nearby tent.
"Alright is everybody here?" asked the guy at the end of the table.
Everybody stayed silent so the man assumed everybody was there.
"My name is Richardson, Captain Richardson"
He said it like everybody was in first or second grade, but nobody decided to speak up. Everybody, including Zach just sat there quite waiting for the Captain to speak.
"We are losing this war because we are losing too many fighters out on the battlefield me and General Andrew have come to the conclusion of three choices."
Richardson continued,"One, we keep fighting and hope for a miracle, two we surrender and save time, money, and lives, or three we try to recruit some other classes to help us get through this war." Zach stood up and yelled at Captain,
"Impossible! Why would any other classes want to get into this war? They'll probably just say its not their problem!"
Captain just sat there and quietly said,"Well, we really don't have much of a choice, now do we? Zach just put his head down and didn't answer.
"It's settled then," said Andrew,"Zach, you go to Henysis with those friends you had earlier and talk to the leader of archers."
Andrew was assigning others cities, but he didn't hear because he went storming out of the tent. He went up to Arcan and May and told them they had to go to Henysis.
May jumped of the tree branch she was sitting on and said,"It'll be kinda fun going to Henysis!"
Zach then told her," You do realize we have to go to Sleepy Woods to get to Henysis, do you?
May replied to Zach," Yes, I'm not stupid Zach now lets hurry and go to Henysis."
They then walked past all of the boulders and rocks into the green, wet Sleepy Woods. they walked through all of the wet patches of grass and the bugs when they were in the town in the middle of the forest.
Zach announced,"This is why I hate going through Sleepy Woods there are so many thugs and thieves that hide around here just waiting to steal your mesos and coins.
They quickly ran through sleepy woods the rest of the way and finally got to the trail to Henysis outside of Sleepy Woods. Zach checked his bag of mesos to make sure he wasn't pick pocketed. Zach was revealed to have all of his money in place and they stormed off to Henysis. After a long walk they finally saw the sign saying, Henysis. The sign was pointing towards a city full of targets and strange houses made of mushrooms.
Zach went up to someone and asked," Where may we find the leader of archers? It is an emergency."
The man gave them a map of the town and pointed towards a house that, to Zach, was the only house that wasn't a mushroom. (skygar9-3)They went through a park of people asking to join the town's party quest and then they finally saw the house that wasn't a mushroom.
Zach said,"It's this house."
May asked,"How do you know?"
Zach said jokingly,"Just a lucky guess."
They entered a house with supplies all over the first floor beside the staircase. They decided to take their chances and take the staircase that was creaking with every step they took up those stairs. When they reached the top they found a short little woman wearing a jacket with a hood and a wooden bow on her back.
Thinking they were beginners she asked," Do you wish to become an archer?"
Zach replied," No we come from Perion to ask if you could send some of your troops to Perion to help us win this war.
"I am afraid I cannot do that at such a moment, you see a terrible disease has spread over the archers that is fatal. We could send you them in about a month when the cure comes."
Zach asked,"And where would this cure be?"
The woman replied,"It is under the sea on your way to Ellinia we have already built a submarine called the nautilus to go underwater and retrieve this plant."
Zach yelled out,"We'll do it!" Zach grabbed Arcan and May and ran out.
The girl just watched them run down the steps and herd the door close.
She whispered to herself,"Farewell"
May quickly pulled Zach back.
She yelled,"HOLD ON! How do you suppose we get this cure?"
Zach said,"You heard her she said they built a submarine!"
May then reminded Zach,"Plus it's on the way to Ellinia, the home of mages!"
Zach said confidently," Ya, on the way, now lets go!"
They ran around looking at the ocean for a submarine,when the ocean stared making waves and a giant metal cylinder bulged up beside the dock.
Zach yelled,"THAT HAS TO BE IT!"
The door opened and then entered. Inside, they saw things they never saw before they saw little strange shaped weapons that shot spheres out of the end. They asked a man with a light brown bandanna where the owner of the ship is.
He replied,"Bottom floor third door on the right its the one with the skull picture on the window,can't miss it."
Zach thanked him and then went down to the bottom floor, Zach repeated to himself so he wouldn't forget. They found the skull and entered, a girl with a large hat did a front flip off a platform only help up by one column.
She asked," Who are you!?" and she pointed her weapon at them.
Zach was terrified he felt his hands sweating, May knocked the weapon out of her hand as her finger was slowly pulling down on the trigger.
Zach said," I'm Zach, that's Arcan, and that's May,the archer leader sent us.
The woman said," Well congratulations, you are one of the first outsiders to find out about us.
May squinted her eyes and asked,"What do you mean."
The woman put her hands behind her pack and started explaining,"Everybody on this ship used to be an archer and-"
Arcan interrupted, "used?"
She continued,"Yes, we are a secret class called pirates we use these inventions our inventor Dr.Phixon made, they are used as so." She pull down on the trigger and shot the round bullet right out of the pointer of the gun right at the hale bay with a spray painted target on and hit dead bulls eye right into the middle.
Zach watched in amazement.
"Try it out"said the woman as she threw Zach a gun at him.
"Just push down the little lever in the back and pull back on the trigger." Zach shot the gun right into the hale bay, it wasn't perfect, but it was amazing to Zach.
She said,"Keep it, I can get another."
May then came in and said,"We're forgetting the reason we came here, to help you get the cure for the disease."