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Re: Ranger of Chaos Origins: Zeno

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:42 am
by jonlin
you can't indent on mapleanime.
Just sayin

Re: Ranger of Chaos Origins: Zeno

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 2:44 am
by synn90210
Very true. What did you think Caelin?

Re: Ranger of Chaos Origins: Zeno

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 10:52 am
by nuubletz
That was amazing man... you inspire me... Im gonna get into writing AGAIN... yes it is I XD

yeah its me zaylo you knew this was coming... yeah nublet is back... ive tried so many times an i have failed each time

i wrote dantes legacy and knights of cydonia. please dont be mad or anything :) ill try again and ill try harder... ill post a thread for topics k thanks...

sick fan fiction

Re: Ranger of Chaos Origins: Zeno

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:57 pm
by synn90210
Well I'm very glad that I inspire you, but please, please, please for the love of god, when you're writing use spell and grammar check.

Re: Ranger of Chaos Origins: Zeno

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 11:57 pm
by Mechy
synn90210 wrote:"Daddy, I wanna be just like you when I grow up!" The child beamed up at Zeno, his face lit with joy as he and his father walked. The child had innocent features, that of an angel almost. He truly was Zeno's pride and joy. This statement brought tears to Zeno's eyes, but he quickly brushed them away. He stopped and crouched to his son's height. The boy ran to Zeno's embrace and jumped in it.

"I wish I could be here with you more but dad has to work. I'll be back later and then maybe we can play." Zeno hated leaving his wife and son for work, but the work of a bowmaster was never done. He kissed his wife goodbye and gave his son one last loving embrace before leaving. He exited his home with a heavy sadness in his heart. He almost wished that he were dead, but his family needed to be provided for.

His day working was mundane. Simple, trivial tasks were his workload that day. This made him all the more glad when he finally left. His travel home was quick and simple. Little did he know that the life he once had was all about to fall apart. He approached his home to find the outside normal, but once he reached the inside his heart sank. The house was destroyed. Tables and chairs were flipped and broken. There were stains of blood on the walls. Obvious signs of a struggle made his feelings of despair even worse. A single solitary figure stood with hunting knife in hand over a lifeless body.

Taking heed of his training, Zeno slipped in the doorway, grabbed the arm of the bandit, shattered the bones, and grabbed the hunting knife. Now in control of the situation, he interrogated the bandit. With the knife pressed against his ribcage and his neck in a firm hold, the bandit had no choice but to concede.

"Who the hell sent you. Tell me and maybe I'll have second thoughts about gutting you like a fish." Zeno pressed the knife harder into the bandit's chest, drawing blood.

"I'll never tell you. I'd sooner die than sell out my master."

"Now see the problem with that is, its all a load of bullshit. A few inches closer to your heart and I'll have you singing like a damn bird. Now tell me, or I swear to god, I will kill you." To further exaggurate his point, Zeno shoved the knife farther into the bandit's chest.

"Alright. You got me. I'll talk. The bandit leader is named Alistair. Our lair is kept in the tunnels of Kerning City. Good luck getting to him. We've got some of the best trained bandits guarding him. There, I've told you all that I know. Please let me go man. I-I-I got a wife and kids."

"Oh yeah? Well so did I." Without missing a beat, Zeno finished the job.

Zeno needed to know more than he did now. That was an obvious fact. He went to the only source that he could trust, his nephew Liam. They met in Kerning, near the subways.

"So Liam, I am to understand you have information for me? What do you know about the bandit leader Alistair?"

"All I know is that if you're going to go against him, you'll need a goddamn army. He has the best trained bandits and he himself is no slouch either. Once killed a hundred men without batting an eye. They say he has some kind of supernatural powers. Creepy shit dude." Liam was in his mid 20's and had medium length dark hair. His usual outfit consisted of some kind of ripped jeans and a t-shirt.

"I don't have time for an army. I need to kill him now."

"Well then good thing you came to me. You've seen the extent of my abilities and you know that I'll be damn willing to help." A longsword was slung over Liam's shoulder, indicating that he was a true warrior. The sword had an ornate hilt with gems decorating it. What these gems did though, no one knew. "If you're that antsy, I suppose we can go now. After you."

They began their descent into the lair of the brutal leader Alistair and readied for a fight. Two bandits guarded the doors. Obviously new recruits, they completely ignored their surroundings. Liam motioned to Zeno and they crept in silently. Dropping like a cinderblock, Liam came down on the left guard, killing him instantly. While the other readied his weapon in a panic, Zeno lined up his shot. The guard swung at Liam but was stopped short by an arrow in his head.

With the guards taken care of, Zeno and Liam went through the doors. They entered into a room filled to the teeth with security. Wires rigged to bombs were all through the place. Liam, not noticing the imminent danger, strolled right in. Leaping towards him, Zeno grabbed and pulled him back. It was too late. The wire was already snapped, but there was no explosion.

"The bombs were duds?" Liam seemed just as confused as Zeno, until he heard the alarms. "Oh shit dude. We better get outta here or else we're gonna die."

"No. We came here to avenge our family, and thats just what we're going to do." Zeno readied his bow and Liam brought out his sword. Bandits swarmed them from all directions. The battle had begun.

Liam was the first to strike, taking down the forerunner in the group. The gems on his sword lit and grew brighter with each strike. Within moments they were at a blinding level. A strange phrase came from Liam and the gems turned black. The sword itself emitted a strange light aura. Now with each strike, waves of energy came from the weapon. Zeno, seeing that his bow wasn't going to do him much good here, relied on his own bare hands to fight off the horde. One lunged at his throat with a small dagger, but Zeno dodged easily. He grabbed the bandit's arm and destroyed his ulna, causing his hand to go limp. With a new weapon in his possession, Zeno killed the bandit and jumped into the fray.

Liam cut through masses of bandits in seconds, only to find that more kept coming. He decided to do something drastic. He placed one hand on the blade of his sword and took the energy from his blade into himself. He now glowed with the same strange aura that the blade had just moments ago.

"ZENO GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Liam yelled. Zeno dived behind cover at hearing this, and just in time too. Liam levitated a few feet in the air and became enveloped in light. Within moments the room went from filled with bandits to full of bodies. The strange light erupted out of Liam and destroyed the bandits. Liam landed with no harm done to him or Zeno. Liam picked up his blade and saw that one of the gems had turned to black.

"Well thats one gem done. Its a shame I had to use one of them on just common bandits." Liam lamented. Zeno came from out of cover and reclaimed his bow and the dagger he was using.

"You shouldn't have killed all of them. We could've more easily found out where Alistair was that way." Zeno said. He looked around for an exit when he saw a dark figure in the back of the room. Realizing that he had been spotted, the mystery man stepped into the light. He was tall and slender with long white hair. He had a white suit on with an unfitting red tie. He was too well off to be just one of the grunts. This clearly was the man that they were looking for.

"Eyahhahahahahahaha, so you brought me out of hiding. I must say that was an excellent display of power from one so young. Ahh well. Looks like I'll just have to take care of you myself." Alistair stepped into the middle of the room as he spoke to Liam and Zeno.

"Why did you do this? Why was my family killed?"

"You see boy, it was a test. You have a great path to walk one day, and I am preparing you. One day you will cross paths with two very important individuals, and you will have a role to play in their lives. These two you meet will be my sons. A decision will be brought to you. When the time comes, you'll know what to do." The message was very cryptic and haunting. As if a prophecy had just been passed onto Zeno. "For now though, I must test you myself. Prepare yourself." Alistair had just completed this sentence when he lunged for Zeno.

He moved quicker than the naked eye could track. He attacked from all around in the blink of an eye. Liam swung wildly into the empty space, not making any contact. For a brief moment, Alistair showed himself, only to dissipate into the darkness once more.

"All you need to do is hit me once. Then you'll have proven your worth." Alistair taunted them with false hope, and cruel mockery.

"You took everything I had. You took my life away. All I can do now is repay you the favor. Even if I have to die in the process, you will not leave here alive." Without thinking, Zeno shot out the lights. Now bathed in total darkness, Zeno assessed the situation. His opponent was fast. Faster than any person Zeno had ever seen. He had to take out his legs somehow.

Before Zeno could finish thinking, a noise like that of footsteps resounded behind him. Upon instinct, Zeno lashed out and caught Alistair in the throat. Having knocked the wind out of him, Zeno continued his assault. He struck at him multiple times, connecting with each blow.

Finally the body in Zeno's hands went limp. He heard the faint hum of the backup generators and the lights flickered back on. Adjusting to the light, Zeno saw the body in his hands.

It was Liam. Zeno screamed in horror, and dropped the body.

"Heheheheh. Well I can certianly say that you've proven yourself. I'll leave you now with what you've done. Congratulations. You pass."

After that, there was silence.

The End.

Wow thats awesome

Re: Ranger of Chaos Origins: Zeno

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 5:12 pm
by synn90210
Was it necessary to quote the entire story?

Re: Ranger of Chaos Origins: Zeno

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 2:19 am
by jaccaj
synn90210 wrote:Was it necessary to quote the entire story?

i just wanna ask if u seen the long cat thread ;)
OT: good story but very sad (F4)

Re: Ranger of Chaos Origins: Zeno

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 5:02 pm
by synn90210
Its good to see that people still read these (MS3) but thank you! Every compliment is appreciated greatly