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Luna Dial chapter 2 part 1

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 4:04 pm
by MsMeowzers
Heh,I'm done with part one.Been awfully busy with schoolwork.Chobbi's and Zaylo's entries got into this part.
Luna Dial Chapter Two Part One
Crystal slumped into her bed in the commander's tent.She reached for a drink inside a potion bottle.Konemo walked into the tent after she was done drinking it.Crystal fell down whenever Konemo greeted her."What's wrong?" asked Konemo,tilting his head.Even when he was a human,he still did dog things.

"Its a side affect of my dream medicine.I've been having terrible nightmares lately," Crystal said,getting back up.

"Nightmares? What are they about?" Konemo asked Crystal,sitting by her.Crystal flinched.

"I walk across a battlefield in each one,and someone really close to me is always dead.You were in the last one.So far these nightmares come true,Akso died in battle,and I had a nightmare with him the night before," Crystal said,lying down. "The dream medicine is supposed to help me.It has many side affects though," Crystal added,pulling her blanket over.

"Has it been working?If it's not I'll sleep with you each night,if I can fit," Konemo said,moving more towards Crystal.Crystal knew that when Konemo slept,he was in dog form. "Want me to try right now?I can transform," Konemo added.

"You can,if you want to," Crystal said,blushing a bit.She scooted over.As Konemo transformed,a soldier ran in.

"Commander!We've been hacked!The youkai have all our information!" the soldier said.

When Crystal walked into the computer tent,the computers were red with code.Most of it made sense to Crystal."They've only gotten to the X drive.Terminate all processes.After that,let me enter some code.It's a drive temporary shut down co-" Crystal was almost hit by a star flying into the tent.Everyone turned to the entrance.Koakaya was standing there,holding her skanda.

"Oh my god,she's insane!" a soldier yelled.Another one said "How did she get out of the locked settlement?"

Koakaya laughed.She pulled out more stars.After she got them out though,she fell down.Gator was standing behind Koakaya,holding a skanda,too.Soldiers rushed towards the tent.Two of them were Chobbi and Lee.
Yes,the Koakaya part is awfully short and generic,but hey,its the end of a part.
Anyways,I decided for a heartwarming story at the start,and go into chaos.
By the way,chapter one was a dream....All a dream from Crystal's mind...Hehehehe...

Re: Luna Dial chapter 2 part 1

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 11:10 am
by pvtsharp
I feel like I read this somewhere before.
Oh yeah you told me half of it on msn.

Anyways good job.