Fan Fic. Just Testing My Writing Skills rate plz

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Fan Fic. Just Testing My Writing Skills rate plz

Post by TooCoolForNames » Wed Oct 13, 2010 11:43 pm

As the moon glows its familar eerie light,i am hypnotized by the beautiful amazed by this, for night as i grow tired i climb to the top of the cranes of my home town, good ol' kernin,and watch this same view.It never fails to astound me.Then Again, i Can See Why. This Town Seems To Drain The Life Out of anything by just a glance. This rundown village use to be the spotlight of the year 10 years running,but then the day came.That dreaded day.i Was of the age of 6 at the time,mother and father were taking me shopping for a new bandana, to most kids this would not be that big of an event,for they were not like us kerning kind,we were labeled "thieves","liars",even "hodlums".Not many of us were hard workers, unlike my dad.never have i seen a man give up more for me then him,he made average money,but in the long run it always ended up being a result we were usually poor, this is why this bandana meant the world to me,for once not a hand me down!instead, something i could call my own. as we approached the store i felt as if i was gonna die of eagerness.The Door Swung open and there it was,My Specially Made Bandana. white Wraith Cloth laced With Fine White Silk and a metal plate that rested peacefully on my forehead.I felt just like the Elites of are village.With A Big smile Ear To Ear i walked out side. My Smile broke at first glance.i Will Never forget that sight.bodies lined the streets.all the same, gashs on there neck.for the first time in my life,i feared for my i turned to hide behind father i was suprised as i saw a group of white masked men.behind them lay my parents.both i fell to my knees crying, the white haired group of the men began to i looked up in pure fear he spoke"this one is weak"then as one held both his knife like weapons to my knecl, i caught a glimpse of his shirt insigna on it was written..."DB".

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