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Slightly Twisted Angels Chapter 1

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 12:02 am
by PandaBearz13
Slightly Twisted Angels Chapter 1

On the day that Skulls came to live in Namxdaa with her friend Mir. It was on the day that they went to their new high school.

Its name was Library. There is a reason the school name is such a strange name is because in 1800 when the school was built. The people who had built the school had no idea why they built the school. The reason for this is the people who built the school had built it on a graveyard. And they had no idea that the grave stones were for lost souls. They simply thought it was all decoration. Why is unknown. But they had decided to call it Library for after they decided they didn't have any other name for the building.

So Skulls which was a girl that was about 15 had black short hair and green eyes. She was as pale as the moon. Her friend Mir had neon purple hair that was in long pigtails. Her skin was less pale. Her eyes were yellow. Mir wasn't supposed to move but she jumped in the car with Skulls at the last second while no one was looking. So now being more than 1000 miles from home found herself living with Skulls for the time being. Skulls was moving to Namxdaa because of her house being torn down by "souls" no one believed her and said it was just an excuse.

So she asked her aunt to drive her to this new town. Now it was 8 o' clock and school was beginning in 13 minutes. "I still can't believe you followed me all the way here." Said Skulls still tired from having to wake up after only 5 hours of sleep. "But I love you; I couldn't just let you leave me!" Mir responded in a second. "Is that true or are you just stalking me?" Skulls exclaimed with a smirk. Mir was going to say something when they ran into the school. It was old and was at least 3 stories high if not more. It had gray columns made out of metal and the school was built out of gray brick. The top of the school was flat though. There were a million students everywhere. Talking or texting. Skulls just groaned. Knowing it was going to be like any other school but way older. Mir found it right at home.

Of course she was the most popular girl in their old school. Mir dragged Skulls inside to the girl's bathroom. "Of course, why am I not surprised." Skulls said knowing that her friend had run to the girl's bathroom at the beginning of the day everyday they went to school. Mir got out her make-up and did her face. She looked over to Skulls who was sitting on one of the chairs they had in the bathroom with a devilish smile. "No." Skulls said already knowing what Mir was thinking. "Aww, come on just this once you never wear any make-up and it's your first day don't you wanna get people's attention?" Skulls looked over with an annoyed face saying "By people I know you mean guys..." Mir smiled trying not to make it look so obvious while saying "No of course not." Skulls didn't buy it and asked Mir if she was done. Mir sighed and grabbed her bag and they both left the bathroom.

Just a little ways away from the bathroom was a row of lockers and a group of guys leaning on them talking to each other. Mir and Skulls walked by them. One of the guys that was wearing black and had blonde hair said "Hey there cutie." Mir said thank you and he just said "Oh yeah, you too." Skulls kept walking leaving Mir with the other 2 guys, while the blonde haired guy followed Skulls. Mir and the 2 guys talked. Skulls hurried her pace to get away from the boy.

But he kept following her. "Oh no, dead end." Skulls told herself. The boy caught her and asked "Why you running away little devil." Skulls eyes got small and her heart was beating faster. "Which type do you mean the weirdo kind or the underworld type?" Skulls quickly said half shouting. "number 2" the boy said. "Well I don't know what you're talking about, I'm not one." Skulls said her teeth clamped shut. "You are 'cause you just told me." The boy said in a cheery voice. “Dammit” Skulls mumbled. The boy’s eyes became bright and he grew white wings. Skulls frightened didn't do anything but stand there. The boy sparked a bright light from his hand and hurled it at Skulls. Skulls just barely jumped out of the way. The light made a huge crack in the wall. Not thinking about it Skulls just said "That's school property just so you know."

Then she heard a voice. It sounded like Mir's voice "Skulls where are you?" The boy turned to the hallway then back at Skulls and said in a deep harsh voice "Name's Blood, see you soon hopefully." Then teleported away and vanished.