A Noob's Life 14! Long Edition!

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A Noob's Life 14! Long Edition!

Post by jonlin » Fri Jun 04, 2010 7:40 pm

Kvothe sighed.

He glanced toward the unconscious body of Caelin beside him, suddenly remembering going through his Flux training, always rushing through everything. The Billy boy was interesting, showing Flux potential, even if not as much as the others. He had a natural talent for finesse, experimenting with the bars on his Flux cage, probably advancing years ahead of his natural development path as a result of this experience. Unless Kvothe missed his guess the boy would be a special class. Quite useful.

Suddenly, he sensed a surge of Flux and looked over to see Austin holding a bow of pure fire, an arrow made of flame pulled back in a flaming bowstring. Then he let go and the arrow seemed to suck in the air around it, creating a wind to propel it even faster as the air moved to fill the empty space, shooting at his copy. The copy vainly tried to shoot an arrow at it then dodge but the arrow was reduced to cinders instantly and the arrow simply curved to meet the copy on the side, a blast making a smaller crater than from Caelin but still a crater, much more than most people could manage their first time. He slowly drifted to sleep, succumbing to exhaustion.

Now that two of them were done with their first releases, he simply had to worry about the other two. Connor was earth or a sub class from his eyes, and Ray was either wind or a sub class. If a sub class of wind as powerful as the rest of them unleashed here, he might have to actually try, and confine him in a way he could still fight. Which brought him back to Billy. He had not decided if he should knock him out and bring him back after he was done, or something else, because he would not fully release and faint today. If he was cooperative, he might simply come back with Kvothe, or Kvothe might be able to make him chase him and then knock him out if he still proved uncooperative.

Then both of the others released at once, an Kvothe found himself creating a third eye to watch both at once. He simply finished it, and personally watched Ray's release....

First Connor trapped his clone with a sudden growth of a thistle plant nearby, and at the same time Ray's right hand with it's dagger seemed to disappear and become a gust which blew past his clone. As Ray charged his clone, his hand solidified behind it, and Connor 30 feet over jumped 30 feet above his clone with the aid of a sudden upwards push from the ground. As Connor started to fall, he drew his sword back so the hilt was braced at his chest and the point directly pointed at the clone below him, and Ray practically flew towards his clone, who attempted to match his speed, but failed. As soon as Ray was in front of the clone, his left hand flashed in front of it, and his right behind it. At the same time as Ray slashed and stabbed his clone all over the chest and back, Connor pierced the chest of his clone with his entire sword, the point just touching the ground. Connor then somehow created a tall tower of stone, from which he batted chunks off at Kvothe, and Ray created a long blade of wind to fly at him. as they did this, they lost consciousness, but Kvothe was still left with their attacks. He absently froze the stone, and created an equal blade of electricity to match Ray's wind.

Now that most of them had fainted, he inspected Billy's progress. He glanced at the cage... and didn't see him! there was also a section of the electricity that seemed a tad different in some way, as if someone was messing with it, and sighed in frustration. He let the cage disappear and looked around him, wondering at where he could have gone. All of a sudden he was standing behind him, throwing as many stars as he could at once, and Kvothe threw a shield up behind himself to deflect them, and then was pierced by... something... and felt a star sprouting from his back, where he had been facing before it would have been in his heart. he froze the area around the wound in case of infection, and carefully used a tendril of ice to take it out. then he used electricity to burn out any possible infection, and relaxed. That had been surprising. The boy was good at using his powers, and they were powerful, if not quite on the other four's level. he looked around, and saw Billy fainted on the ground nearby. Perfect.


Caelin woke up to a blank gray ceiling in a stone square room. He was wearing nothing but a grey pair of shorts and a T-shirt. He looked around, and on not finding his weapon or friends, walked towards the entrance in an appearance of calm. Really, his insides were a boiling mess of fear, wonder and anger. As he reached the entrance to the room, he looked left and right, and saw a long stone hallways to his left and a wall to his right. Just in case, he patted the wall down, but nothing was wrong, so he continued down the hallway, trailing one hand along the wall beside him. After around 20 minutes of walking, he came suddenly into a large cavern made to look like an ocean shore, complete with lapping water and sand, even though when he was outside it he could have sworn it was only a hallway for the rest of his sight. Instead of questioning, Caelin just sat down in a beach chair and waited. After a few minutes, the hallway on either side of the room closed suddenly, and Caelin was left alone. Even more suddenly a Boat appeared at a dock on the beach, and Caelin was wearing a bathing suit. Seeing as he had nothing else to do and from all appearances was supposed to, he got into the boat, a laser, and set off from the shore.

Almost immediately the sail tightened against no wind, and sailed in a direction completely different than where the rudder should have directed it. Caelin decided he had no control and just sat back, and enjoyed the ride.


Ray woke up in a room that seemed to have no roof, but walls that reached for kilometres into the sky, with one door. Seeing he had no weapons, and only a T-Shirt and grey shorts on, he walked out the door, to be greeted by a long gray stone path with posters and various ads lining the walls. Seeing no other option, Ray started down the hall. Once he got to the end, he found a bus station with a bus waiting, it's doors open. As soon as he stepped into the room the hallway behind him disappeared, and he simply kept walking onto the bus. Similar to the hall, as soon as he stepped in the door was closed, not as if it had snapped shut, but as if it had never been open. Once he sat down the bus began to stir and move, as if he had caused it. Ray simply sat back and observed the inside of the bus he was riding in.


Austin woke with a massive headache. He looked around to find a spherical room with one opening in the side, and himself with nothing but a grey T-shirt and shorts on. Seeing nothing else to do, he walked through the opening, and found a long grey hall with portraits of famous adventurers along the walls. When he got to the end, he found a two-person plane waiting with the doors open. Once Austin boarded the plane, he noticed that the door was suddenly closed, and that the hallway had disappeared. Seeing nothing else to do, he sat down in the passengers seat, and waited. After a few minutes, the plane started up and flew off on it's own volition.


Connor awoke in a nondescript grey room with two doors, wearing a grey T-shirt and shorts. He tried the first one and found it locked, then the second one to find it open. Seeing no other option, he went out into a long flight of stairs heading down in a curve. After a short while walking, he came to a stop in a room of stone with a giant shrine entrance with a grey space in between it. He walked through it to find himself on a plain of fire with a taxi in front of him and a wall of fire behind him. He got into the taxi to find a skeleton at the wheel, and before he could get out again, he found the door closed and locked, and the taxi moving. Completely freaked out, Connor jumped through to the back seat to distance himself from the skeleton, and finding those doors locked too, simply sat in the corner watching the skeleton and the road warily.


Kvothe looked around at the 5 'windows' with a little worry, most over Caelin and Billy. Caelin was the most suspicous of his illusion it seemed, knowing the most of the craft he was 'riding' in, and Billy was simply not awake yet. He should have wakened a while ago, for he had used less power then the others, and even once he awoke, he might be able to sense the illusion that Kvothe had made, and puncture through it. He hoped that Billy was not quite at the point of being able to actively control his power yet. If he really was a special class, that could be disastrous as they had abilities unknown even to Kvothe. As he saw no point to watching Billy sleep, he watched Caelin in his boat, sailing forth at full speed. Perhaps Caelin would find his true soul on his first try, if he would be lucky. If he really did, Kvothe would be matched by him, and that would be at least necessary to survive through what was coming..


Kvothe was thrown 30 feet into the air by a sudden pulse of the ground, and then he saw a mysterious woman wearing nothing but a strange kimono walking towards him, laughing maniacally.

“Who... Are.... You?” Kvothe strangled out of his strained lungs, now in control and floating midair.

“Well, Well, the Lightning mage makes a sudden appearance and doesn't expect to be attacked? It seems you have gotten rusty... Kvothe.” The woman said the last with a strange sort of menace. She suddenly lashed out with one hand, and a ball of fire and stone shot towards Kvothe as she laughed maniacally, throwing her head back viciously.

End of Chapter 14! hope you liked it.... and the new length :P Rate and Review please

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Zombie Mushmom
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Re: A Noob's Life 14! Long Edition!

Post by EternalSorrow » Sat Jun 05, 2010 1:27 pm

Although I dunno the story lol

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Re: A Noob's Life 14! Long Edition!

Post by jonlin » Sun Jun 06, 2010 2:44 am

Last edited by jonlin on Sun Jun 06, 2010 2:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Noob's Life 14! Long Edition!

Post by jonlin » Sun Jun 06, 2010 2:45 am

jonlin wrote:
EternalSorrow wrote:Awesome!
Although I dunno the story lol

A Noob's Life:
6-8: www.mapleanime.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=63
P-5: www.mapleanime.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=28

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Zombie Mushmom
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Re: A Noob's Life 14! Long Edition!

Post by EternalSorrow » Sun Jun 06, 2010 7:36 am


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